pramod rulzz - Software, Internet, Technology and Hardware Guide by pramod

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Kill the mouse, use the keyboard for faster program starts

The mouse is certainly easy to use, but by far takes up time to use when you're browsing through your start menu to start a program.

Instead, all of my favorite programs are mapped to my keyboard. For example, Ctrl-Alt-W starts up Word, Ctrl-Alt-E starts up Excel, Ctrl-Alt-I starts Internet Explorer, Ctrl-Alt-C starts the calculator, X for Windows Explorer, F for Firefox, D for My Documents, K for Outlook, etc. That way, I can be in the middle of any program typing away, and start any other program almost immediately.

To do this, right-click on the icon of the shortcut in your start menu, and choose Properties. In the "Shortcut Key" box, hold down your key combination of Ctrl-Alt and a letter/number, or Ctrl-Shift and a letter/number works too, so you can use letters twice depending on if they're with the Shift key or Alt key. It has to be a shortcut, not the actual .exe file, and the shortcut must be located in your start menu or desktop to work. Fast and easy!



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